Wishing you the best of everything for 2014 and beyond! Thanks for sticking with me and this little blog. I appreciate it more than you could know.

Inspiration in Photography & Design
Wishing you the best of everything for 2014 and beyond! Thanks for sticking with me and this little blog. I appreciate it more than you could know.
Just taking a break to wish you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving! Woke up early to cook and clean. Waiting for my mom to come so she can get the turkey going but it’s already smelling YUM here!! The girls have been helping me prep in between watching the parade on tv. Here are […]
Mmmm – I just love the smell of lilacs. It can instantly put me in a good mood. The scent brings me back to Memorial Day weekends when I was a kid. We would go up to the Catskills to our bungalow colony to get our bungalow ready for the summer. The trees would be […]
Last week in my after school Young Crafters class, we did a project for Groundhog Day using this project as inspiration. My younger daughter comes to the class because it is her age group and she loves doing art projects. After doing the project in class, she came home and did many versions on her […]
I wish you all the best for 2013! A year filled with… good health and happiness reaching your goals and creating lots of memories. Make sure your camera is handy to capture them!