You may have noticed it’s been slim pickins over here on the TCG blog. Not much action, few posts. Well behind the scenes I have been super busy. I took on a freelance project that has been taking lots and lots of my time – not leaving much left for me to do my regular blogging. Oh how I miss you so!!
In my past life, I was a computer programmer, Systems Analyst, Software Trainer, blah, blah, blah. As artsy as I was, there was always a technical side to me as well. Every once in awhile, it comes back to the surface – like when the Riverdale Rising Stars (the local theater company here in Riverdale) needed a website.
This group is very close to my heart. My older daughter has been in a bunch of their shows and I have been photographing their shows for some time now. It’s a great group of people doing great things so I was more than happy to jump in and help.
I am so happy to announce the website launched today!! YAY!!!
Is it done? Is a website ever really done? Let’s say Phase 1 is done.
They had so much great info to provide and now it’s there – all in one place.
A few highlights include:
The What To Expect page which gives lots of info for their audition process. Kids can get anxious during an audition and this info helps make that process a bit easier.
Getting to know the RRS Team
Each team member has their own profile page. As their photographer, I even have one!
And of course probably my favorite part is the Gallery section where you can see photos from the different shows.
They are working on gathering photos from past shows from before I was around and we will also be adding a Behind The Scenes gallery. That’s always fun!
The best part of this website launching is now I have time to get back to my stuff! Woo Hoo! More blogging, more photos and making much needed changes to my blog and website.. I’ve learned so much more about WordPress during this process. I’m excited about implementing new changes into my blog. For my website, I am trying something new – a platform called ShowIt – used by a lot of photographers. A whole new learning curve but when it’s done should be really exciting!
All good stuff!!
Hope you have a great weekend and make sure to stop by Riverdale Rising Stars and take a look around.
Congrats! I love the idea of designing a website, but I have a horrible time with the actual programming, even on something that’s supposed to be “easy”, like Thesis. I look forward to your new blog aesthetic. I’m probably also going to be working on a new design in January.
It’s just so time consuming!! But definitely feels good when it’s done. 🙂