Last week I was knee deep in a one week Photography Camp. I had 10 kids ranging in age from 8 to 10 and one assistant. It was a lot of work but a really great experience. Different than the photography classes i was teaching at the Performing Arts camp this summer because this camp was a FULL 5 DAYS of photography!
On Monday we started with some basic principles – angles, levels, focus, basic camera skills, etc. The challenge at this age is to not get too technical, but still manage to teach them something and most importantly, KEEP IT FUN!!! In the afternoon we did a photo scavenger hunt around the building of The Y. They really enjoyed it! I’ll do a whole separate post on photo scavenger hunts another time. It deserves it’s own post!
Tuesday and Wednesday we were out on field trips. Tuesday to Wave Hill to focus on nature, macro and landscape photography, and Wednesday to The Bronx Zoo for animals.
Wave Hill is a public garden and nature center up here in Riverdale, along the Hudson River. This was a great place to practice photography because there are so many beautiful and interesting things to look at.
I showed them how and why to switch to macro mode in their cameras. I think they really enjoyed being able to get so close up to their subjects.
I also wanted them to pay attention to the differences in colors, shapes and textures of the leaves around them
Looking for little details is also part of it – spider webs and insects make great subjects as well!
They seemed to really enjoy the frog pond – looking for fish and discovering different reflections.
A nature hike along a shaded trail made for even more discoveries.
One of the best things about Wave Hill is that it isn’t noisy and crowded which makes it very manageable when you are with a group of kids.
On the flipside, we have The Bronx Zoo. Check in tomorrow for that story!
When are you having photography camp for grownups? I could use some lessons!
I may actually be teaching a Photography class for adults sometime in the Fall. Will let you know!
Seriously, I would sign up for that!
I was wondering what you were up to! Looks like fun.
I know Heather! I’ve been feeling so out of it as far as my online life goes!! I’ve neglected my blog as well as not having a chance to read any of my favorites…like YOURS! Will be able to catch up this week though.