This summer I had the unique opportunity to photograph three shows – one of which was Les Miserables, School Edition. This was the summer stock show performed by members of the Riverdale Rising Stars teens through college age. Can I tell you how excited I was?!?
Les Mis is my absolute favorite show!! My mom took my sister and I years ago to see it on Broadway. She was a stickler for good seats so I remember we were center orchestra. The voices were out of control! I immediately bought the CD and still continue to listen to it.
Recently, PBS had a Les Mis special and we recorded it. My daughter fell in love as well – watching it over and over and even making me print out the lyrics to all the songs – her favorite being “Castle On A Cloud” performed by the young Cosette.
Photographing live theater is definitely a challenge. The theater is dark, yet the stage is bright with lights that are different colors and constantly changing. When I photograph shows, I usually try to go during dress rehearsal. The benefit is I get complete freedom in the theater – can move anywhere I want – even on stage if I want to. The drawback is, they may not always get through the entire run of the show and dress rehearsals are usually loooong!!
I also photograph during the live performance. There are pluses and minuses to this as well. The plus side is, I know what to expect so I can be ready for key shots that I know I want to take. On the flip side, I either have to photograph standing from the back of the theater or sitting from my seat. Can you imagine how annoying it would be for the person having to sit next to me? I try to avoid the seat option as much as possible.
I think in the end, I ended up seeing the show three times. The show was long and at one performance the air conditioner wasn’t working but it was still worth it. Each time they got a standing ovation! I don’t even have the words to express how amazing they all were. The theater was just busting with talent and energy – it was so inspiring! Many of my daughter’s camp counselors were in the show so she was thrilled to see ti as well. And sad to see it end.
I’m looking forward to seeing them in their next show and hopefully photographing that as well!
To see more photos from Les Miserables, School Edition, you can view this slideshow.
On a side note, the hubbs reminded me that years ago we also saw Les Mis together on Broadway.
I have ZERO recollection of it!!
However I do remember seeing “I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change” Hmmm, what does that tell you? 🙂
Do you have a favorite Broadway Show?
My mom is taking my daughter and I to see Wicked this December. I can’t wait! I haven’t seen a “broadway” show since “The Phantom of the Opera” was here in L.A. It must be great to be in New York and get to see the shows!
I heard that was a good show. Have never seen it. Broadway shows are really expensive here but since my daughter has been performing we go to many local shows at community theaters.
Good photos! Great emotions and composition! Dress rehearsals is the way to go.