Yes, yet another reason to celebrate! June is such a fun month!
The other day I told you that June is National Candy Month. You have a whole month to have fun with that one. Today though is National Doughnut Day – celebrated the first Friday of June. Normally this would be perfect timing because every Friday afternoon after school, the girls and I have a playdate with our special friends and we always end up at DD. We’re usually in that place so long, the guys behind the counter start giving our kids donut holes just to keep them quiet. Today of all days, we’re not having the playdate!! They’re giving away free donuts if you buy a drink.
Should I take my girls anyway?
Did you get your free donut today? What’s your favorite?
Went to my favorite photo site – flickr – to get some doughnut inspiration for you guys.
by camknows
by Le Petrin
Happy Doughnut Day!
All I can say is Yum!