I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving! Ours was fun and… YAY – there was leftover stuffing and gravy!!
Our weekend was filled with pockets of laziness – staying in pj’s and binge watching Modern Family. But who says pajamas can’t be dressed up with a fancy necklace? Hence…my U!
Thanksgiving was great here! As with you, our time off was filled with nothing but relaxation. I haven’t left the house since Wednesday. I too am enjoying the leftovers as I always do. Not good for the waistline, but good for my taste buds. 🙂 The T.V. watching consisted of a heavy dose of Star Trek. The original series. Anyway, here’s my “U” for the week. It’s inspired by music.
Great! That would also work as a C if turned on the side.
Glad to hear your holiday was nice. Fun to be lazy sometimes, right?!? 🙂
Thanks Stacey! Yes, absolutely its nice to be lazy every now then. 🙂 Because the rat race starts all over again tomorrow. 🙂
Nice you two. I too had a peaceful Thanksgiving. Didn’t eat so much this year though. Got plenty James Bond this weekend though! Here’s my “U”: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10201056181182840&set=a.4246542597954.2148261.1117345440&type=3&theater
Excellent! My husband would like your weekend – LOVES James Bond. I gave him a James Bond themed party for his 40th birthday.
Good one Nate! I like that. Definitely a “U”. I see we all had our favorite shows to enjoy this past weekend.
Hi Stacey! Love your “U”. I told my husband about your photo challenge. He’s not a professional but he loves photography. I think it would be fun for him to try this. What really impresses me about your photo challenge is that you keep doing it. You haven’t stopped. Bravo!
Thanks Heather! I know – I”m pretty surprised also! It’s been challenging to keep it up but the discipline is good for me. 🙂 I have 4 weeks left to this challenge – would love to see what your husband comes up with. I have a new challenge in mind once this one is over.