So it took me a few days this week to come up with something for Disgusting for this week’s photo challenge. It was definitely harder than I thought. I was originally planning on going to a fish market or a butcher because I find raw meat and dead fish highly disgusting!! These were planned shots I had in my mind.
Before I made it over there, I had some extra time and thought I would do some cleaning – an activity I normally dread. I started with the bathroom. Normal stuff – cleaning the mirror, sink etc. It was looking good and I don’t know what came over me but I decided to take out the stopper from the sink. It was pretty gross in and of itself but then I peeked down the drain. Why, I ask you?? What possessed me to do such a thing?!?
This is where the really embarrassing part comes in. I was debating whether to show you or to just stick to my original disgusting idea of dead cow and fish. I feel really vulnerable and exposed but as I hold my breath, here it is…
Ewwww!! I was in such horror!! Let me preface by saying we have A LOT of hair in this family between me and the girls. Lots!! I saw a few hairs in the drain and decided to pull them out and this DISGUSTING clump came out! It was amazing to me that it stayed in the shape of the drain – one long tube! I called the hubbs over to check it out – first word out of his mouth – DISGUSTING! So, I guess I got it!! 🙂
Do you have any disgusting photos to share?
Do you ever think to clean your drain?
For next week we are up to letter E. My girls chose ENORMOUS and I’m going with it Join me if you’d like!
This will be an interesting challenge. Not sure if I can find anything disgusting. I have run into your disgusting issue in my sink once or twice also. The search is on.
Great Nathaniel! Also try this week’s challenge of ENORMOUS!