What a busy weekend this was! My daughter turned 10 earlier this month but wanted to wait a few weeks to have her birthday party. You know – there needed to be some build up. Turning double digits IS a big deal. A lot of prep and planning went into this party and what made it extra special was that we let her have 3 of her friends sleep over. We wanted to ease into the realm of sleepover birthday parties by keeping the sleepover part small.
The party was a success as was the sleepover. Today we are left with the cleanup, which brings me to my L photograph…
Folding up the cot to go back into my closet for another 5 years! We bought this cot when my daughter was born because we were living in FL and my mom was going to stay with us for a few weeks to help with the baby. When we moved back to NY, I kept it and it has been in the back of my closet until yesterday.
Did you find any L’s?
Clever L!
Ok. Here’s my letter “L” for the week. I’m actually typing on it at the moment. Very nice Stacey!
Frank as soon as I saw your photograph I thought of a bunch of other things that could be an L. Thanks for the inspiration!
@Heather – I was reviewing your site and you’re one talented lady. Both you and Stacey are just awesome in what you do! I’m always amazed and appreciative of the talents of others and what they have to offer.
Yes Frank, Heather is amazing! her illustrations are great! Love them.
Great “L”s everyone! Stacy, I rented a power recliner which I use because I don’t feel comfortable in the bed; I started to use that but it dawned on me that I couldn’t move it…lol. Frank, I’ve been on this laptop for two weeks now and it never dawned on me to turn it to the side for an “L”, good one. I was straightening up my little area this morning when I found my “L” in one of the things that has made this journey a little more comfortable: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10200693957047463&set=a.4246542597954.2148261.1117345440&type=3&theater
Nate that’s great and I’m glad it’s making you more comfortable!