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adult classes-1
adult classes-1






Copyright 2013 Total City Girl, L.L.C | Stacey Natal All Rights Reserved

Do you own a DSLR and don't know what to do with it? I can help! My goal is to get you comfortable with your camera and yes - get you off of AUTO mode! Sessions can easily be tailored to your specific needs.

Topics covered include:

- How to move off of Auto mode and when to use P, Av, Tv and
ultimately Manual mode
- Functions of your digital camera - how and why to use them
- Understanding exposure - ISO, Aperture & Shutter Speed
- Understanding light
- Making your photos more interesting with composition

Private (Individuals) - $75 per session
- Each Session lasts 1 hour
Mini Groups
- Perfect activity to do with friends!
- Each session will last between 1 to 1 1/2 hours. I suggest between
2 to 4 sessions for the mini groups so each session we can build
upon the skills learned in previous sessions.

Groups of 2 - $100 per session
Groups of 3 - $125 per session
Groups of 4 - $150 per session

If you're interested in learning photography in a relaxed, comfortable and fun manner, please contact me at to discuss which option works best for you.