Today was the first time I’ve ever been to Astoria Queens. I’ve been wanting to go to check out the restaurant scene but today we went for a different reason. The girls and I headed over to check out a Behind The Scenes Film and TV Festival. It was very interesting. We got to go into various trailers – Star, Hair and Makep, Wardrobe, Camera and a few others. There were also stunts to watch and weather simulation.
As we were waiting to get into one of the trailers, I saw the reflection of people waiting on line in the hubcap of one of the wheels of the trailer.
I’m even in there!! 🙂
I actually spotted a bunch of reflections today. Do you have any to share? Put the link in the comments section.
Nice! Glad to see you’re still doing your photo challenges!
Thanks Heather! Thanks for checking in.
Hi Stacey, is that you taking the photo? Clever. Here’s my photo for the week. This is going to be a tough weekly task. 🙂!52755&authkey=!AKeZA2vSjXyWac4&v=3&ithint=photo%2cjpg
Hey Frank – I like the sepia tone you put ton your image. I was also toying around with a side view mirror shot! but I didn’t like what I got. Once you train your eye you will notice reflections everywhere!! Yes, that is me 🙂
Thanks Stacey. I took a number of those side view shots, but they weren’t that compelling. On my way to work I liked how the headlights reflected so I decided to take the shot at a stop light. Believe me there is no training of the eye. 🙂 I can only hope to be creative enough to fine good shots.
I like the thought process behind your photo. What I really meant about training your eye is what I have to do myself which is just remind myself to look for reflections Once I’m in that mindset I see them all over.
Thanks Stacey. I knew what you meant. I was just trying to say it will probably be more luck in seeing or finding reflections for me. 🙂 But I know what you mean. I did find a shot today and it was unexpected.
Ooops, wrong pic Frank. I still like it though. Agree with Stacy on the Sepia affect.
Great pic Frank. I love reflections from water.
Hey gang, long time no see. Can I jump in here? I think this one will be even more fun than the others were.
Mine, like Stacy’s has to do with automobiles. Was at a local car show and couldn’t help it.
Great to have you back Nate! Great shot – I love all of the distortion!
Thanks Stacy, good to get back.
N888888! Welcome back! You introduced me to this great platform Stacey has then you disappeared… I thought I recognized your photo. Yes, similar to Stacey’s. I guess we all had a car theme this week. 🙂
Hey Frank, yea I did disappear. Back to get more inspiration and lessons from the pros.